Friday 11 October 2013

Not what I'm suppose to be doing at the moment

Heng Lee - Floral Embroidery - Pixel Series
 Friday afternoon, wait... its still friday morning for 15min. I love this piece of jewellery, apologies for the cliche, but it must be one of the most brillant pieces of jewellery i have ever seen. Lay aside the fact that it is beautiful its also an amazing technical piece.

i am also just basking in the sudden rage for cross stich and embroidery love that has swept the internet, ive always loved intricate hand work. but then youll find everyone is going to start 'admitting that" now>>> not that i mind, we're all on the same page.

Saturday 13 July 2013

Solitaire Ring


A ring which is set with a single gem

Art Deco 1.54ct Diamond Solitaire Ring

Manufactured during the 1920's Art Deco period, this bold solitaire tapers towards the bottom. On the sides of the ring it is embellished with a pierced geometric pattern.

Victorian Diamond Solitaire ring

Victorian era engagement ring, diamond is set in a 14k claw setting with a decorative embossed design.

Wednesday 5 June 2013


Next Wednesday is the opening night for the annual 2nd year fine art and jewellery design exhibition. nothing is ready, thank god we are living up to expectations. Lana wants us to invite these big time business men like the owner of Mr Price etc. and there is going to be next to nothing for them to see. this is pathetic. my performance at the moment is pathetic. I feel sooo dead. I am recovering from the flu... but that's really no excuse. I have to be working hard as I can at all times. I have to put up that bench TONIGHT! OK >>> lets get active. what Lana said today during communications is true. a business idea in your head  is just a thought/ idea until you put it to paper i.e. in a business plan. that's when it becomes material. !!!!! I am enthusiastic about converting my idea to a plan. and sorting my dream into something solid.

Devyn came over last night to pick his stuff up. I think it's better that the two of us are just friends. I do still like him a lot, and I know he likes me, but I want to feel what real love feels like. When a guy really likes you. when all he can think about is you and it's a normal relationship. Not anything scary or abusive. Just simple, plain, innocent, slow, romantic, something that I deserve.

Mommy and Daddy are going to fetch me on Saturday and bring me back to Durban on Sunday. So I'll get a bit of "home" even if its just for a short while. I've missed my parents dreadfully this past week. I really cant wait to get a hug from my Mom on Saturday.

Friday 17 May 2013

Friday! yay! maybe not.

I have literally nothing planned for this weekend. Therefore...nothing to look forward to. I guess I'll just have to do homework. - I have so much of it... maybe its best then, that I'm not going out. I have to create a business card for myself, packaging for my product, and flyers - for this exhibition...  and it's all due in two weeks time. I also have to finish and post the design for the cobra competition. thinking about it I should get started on the Anglo gold auditions, as I know the lecturers are going to give us little or no time to do that. It took me weeks to get to my final design with the shinning lights competition. I must give myself enough time to think it through.
We actually have an enormous amount of work. There is no way that i can go out this weekend. I'm glad i talked myself out of it.

Tuesday 14 May 2013

Three Stone Collet with a gold shank

Not that I have any time to type a post. Ive just finished my ring... its due in a couple minuets. I'm not going to bother with spell check - how disgusting ....wondering if anything I'm typing is distinguishable as English at all. good god. 

I had a lot of trouble with this setting as I said previously. I'm glad its all over... phew. 
Sunday - was Mother's Day. I wasn't going to see my mother buuuut Micheal had this genius plan to wake up at 2 in the morning and leave by three to drive up to bay. My parents were thrilled to see me when I arrived at the front door, waking them from their slumber at 5am. I'm still recovering from the last minute gallivanting. 
Last night I was thoroughly grumpy, Devyn had just got back from Capetown, and so he came over. I think he expected me to be a bit more excited to see him... he was obviously excited to see me. 
Since Devyn was gone for about ten days and he only ever makes time for me once a week I didn't see the necessity for a welcome home party. 

Friday 10 May 2013

One more post before I can go Home.

That's me! in the middle. My BFF (Robyn Megan Clare) on the left.

Sam loves that I'm doing a "dear diary thing here" - I guess I'm just typing out what the voices in my head tell me to. (Senzo is sitting on my right, making weird sounds...  Contemplating his sanity... wait... I'm being hypocritical again. - I need to work on that)
Well, we have been working on a three stone collet, made out of silver wire with a gold shank. I've been struggling with the wire setting, the trick is to be patient, and to work without haste. Accuracy and a steady hand wont hurt either, but I'm still just a rookie. I will become more accurate with time. The steady hand well... hockey is not helping me with that at the moment. Three weeks ago I sprained it badly and I have an odd lump of calcification on my right index finger.
I have pulled out of all hockey matches from now on, however I still attend practices. I do love to play hockey, but I cant let a sports injury affect my future career, and hand injuries are common on the hockey field.
I am getting increasingly stressed, about my semester marks, getting a driver's license, being able to afford food and rent. I feel inadequate, I feel that i have reach my peak. That I will never again be the best in the country, that I will never realize my dream of becoming a household name. I am terrified. So, so terrified. Of meritocracy.

Arbitrary silver broach

I am a student studying Jewellery design and Manufacture. I'm in my second year at the moment. Today, instead of continuing with our usual CAD lectures, we were instructed to create a blog. The first Post, this post has to be about a broach that we find "interesting" well i immediately went to my pinterest account to pick a prize piece from my collections. however.... for some reason my normally sweetie pie lecturer told me FIRMLY to "GO TO GOOOOOOOGLE!!!!!!!!"         
" Geez, have the seizure at home please" - okay that's hypocritical of me to say, as i throw temper-tantrums almost daily. for almost nothing. - in my mind it wasn't nothing though... my three stone collet had fallen apart for the fifth time. I'm not joking. 
Back to the broach... I like it because its nice like peanut butter. - Sam, my lecturer rather dislikes it when the students make thoughtless statements like that. Well Sam... I guess it has an effortless beauty about it. Although it's asymmetrical the broach is somehow balanced. I find it to be unexpectedly esthetically pleasing. your eye runs round and round the outer circle and rests momentarily on the inner circle. The over all effect has a somewhat wholesome feeling. Making me think of a warm apple pie that has just come out of my mother's oven.